Friday, March 9, 2012

Raring to go!

Work parties have started every saturday at the bog! All intrepid boggers aged 16 and up are welcome to help out at Camosun bog: dress in layers, rain boots, and be prepared to be covered in peat.  
Hi Crazy Boggers:
    I hope everyone had a good week and are just raring to get back to the bog. We will continue the heavy slogging removing salal roots, trimming around the blueberry bushes, digging them up and finding a new home for them in the area we have been clearing.
    Looks like we will be accompanied by wet weather but with any luck maybe the weatherman will be wrong.  
    We have had a few groups through the bog since our last work party. Last Sat. afternoon Ed "hosted" a birthday party and tour of the bog for 10+ youngsters who live close to the bog. Sounds like they had a great time learning about the bog and examining the different bog plants. Over the next few years we may get a few "junior crazy boggers" from this group. Thanks Ed for a job well done.
    Shona had her biology class from UBC were in the bog on Wed. afternoon. There were about 25 keen students collecting and identifying the sphagnum mosses and other bryophytes growing in the bog. They will take the speciments back to the lab and examine them under the microscope for further identification.
    Hope to see you at the bog on Saturday.