Sunday, June 7, 2020

visiting Richmond Nature Bog

Some of us visited Richmond Nature Park, another lower mainland bog. We saw Sphagnum,

Shore pine, bog blueberry, and labrador tea. The quaking bog trail was bouncy like parts of Camosun bog. Richmond Nature park is part of the traditional territory of the Musqueam people.

labrador tea

bog bilberry ( blueberry)

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

minibog for learning during a pandemic

CBRG lent out the minibog to Gladstone Secondary Learning Commons (library) so that students who come for in-class learning can experience Camosun bog.  Gerry and I assembled the little minibog that included arctic starflower, labrador tea, kalmia, false lily of the valley, bunchberry, a little sphagnum moss and sundew! A few students have enjoyed experiencing these plants so far.

Cascara in Camosun bog

The cascara tree, Rhamnus pursianahas, has bark that can be used for medicine. The anthraquinones in the bark can be used for its laxative properties.